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Afrin has been a relatively safe area in the region for a long time, and has hosted hundreds of thousands of Arab refugees, particularly from Aleppo.

The people of Rojava are building a new society, in which the different ethnic groups living there organize themselves with their identities in a democratic, feminist and ecological system.

This aggression has a destructive purpose which also threatens the revolution of the women in Rojava, who no longer submit to a patriarchal regime and have the courage to build a society of freedom for themselves and therefore for all.

This is unbearable to Erdogan, who fears contamination in the Middle East and beyond, Rojava is an example of women’s liberation chich undermines the idea of States at the service of nationalism, capitalism and religious extremism, all based on the domination of women.

We demand an immediate halt to the bombing and invasion of Afrin, which doesn’t respect international law.
For this reason we ask the UN, the EU and the governments of the countries involved in the coalition to take a strong stance: Russia, France, USA, United Kingdom. They must put pressure on Turkey to stop this aggression and make Erdogan withdraw his troops from Syria.

We call on you to spread this call and to raise awareness on the construction of this society which says “Yes, it is possible to live as human beings freely, equally, respectfully of nature, and in order to do so, feminism is an essential means”.

Send your signatures to the following address: kurdish.women.movement@gmail.com

First to have signed:
Laurence COHEN, Senator of Val de Marne and National Representative of the PCF “Women’s Rights and Feminism”, France
Marie-Georges BUFFET, Parliamentarian, Gauche Démocrate et Républicaine (GDR), France
Éliane ASSASSI, Senator of Seine-Saint-Denis, France
Elsa FAUCILLON, Parliamentarian Gauche Démocrate et Républicaine, France
Debbie BOOKCHIN, journalist and author, North America Rojava Alliance, USA
Hélène BIDARD, Deputy (French Communist Party – PCF) of Paris in charge of gender equality, anti-discrimination and human rights, France
Bertha Zúñiga CÁCERES, Coordinator of COPINH (Civil Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras) and daughter of Berta Cáceres, Honduras
Claudia KOROL, member of Feministas Populares (Popular Feminists) of Abya Yala, Argentina
María de Jesús PATRICIO MARTINEZ, National Congress of Indigenous Peoples, Mexico
Ernestine RONAI, ex-National Coordinator for “violence against women”, Head of the Departmental Observatory of Seine-Saint-Denis on violence against women, France
Janet BIEHL, Independent Researcher, Author, USA
Institute for Social Ecology, USA
FRAUEN PARTEI, Women’s Party, Germany
Annie SUGIER, President of the International Women’s Law League
Sabine SALMON, President of Femmes Solidaires, France
International Representation of the Kurdish Women’s Movement
Ni Una Menos, Argentina
Josette ROME-CHASTANET: Feminist, Biologist, Collectif des militantes pour l’écologie sociale (Social Ecology Activist’s collective), France
Dr. Mechthild EXO, Peace and Conflict Studies, Emden/Leer University, Germany
Corinne MOREL-DARLEUX, National Secretary for Ecosocialism of Parti de Gauche, Regional Councillor of Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, France
Clémentine AUTAIN, Parliamentarian of Seine Saint-Denis, France France Insoumise, France
Christine PRUNAUD, Senator of the Côtes-d’Armor Communist Group, Republican, citizen and ecologist, France
Nelly MARTIN, World March of Women, France
Sylvie JAN, Co-President of Association de solidarité France- Kurdistan
Ligue des droits de l’homme (Human’s Rights League) LDH, France
Bénédicte TAURINE, Parliamentarian of Ariège, France Insoumise, France
Martine MAZZA, Feminist Network “Ruptures”, France
Jineolojî Center of Brussels, Belgium
Irene ANSARI, Coordinator of the Iranian Women’s League for Democracy (LFID)
Maison des femmes (Women’s House) of Montreuil, France
Women’s Association COURAGE, Germany
Rose-Marie LAGRAVE, Director of Studies at EHESS, France
Roza XOCHIQUETZAL, Feminist and Professor at the Autonomous University of Morelos State, Mexico
Laure CAILLE, President Libres Mariannes, France
Danielle SIMONNET, Coordinator of Parti de Gauche, Paris Councillor, France
Raphaëlle PRIMET, Paris Councillor, Groupe Communiste-Front de Gauche, France
Edith BOULANGER, Academic Chemistry, member of the peace movement, France
Fatiha AGGOUN, Departmental Councillor of Val-de-Marne, France
Bernice DUBOIS, Honorary President of CLEF France (European Women’s Lobby)
Juliette LANCEL, historian, ICD (Initiative for a Democratic Confederalism), France
Valérie TECHER, Deputy Mayor, Champigny S/M, France
Florence CERBAI, Regional ecologist councilor of Ardèche Auvergne Rhônes-Alpes, France
Initiative féministe pour un confédéralisme Démocratique (IFCD – Feminist Initiative for a Democratic Confederalism, France)
Keita GASSAMA FILY, Deputy Mayor in charge of Communication, Youth and Participatory Democracy, Champigny-sur-Marne, France
Zaragoza Anarcho-Feminist Assembly, Aragon, Spain
Feminist Assembly of Coimbra, Portugal
Groupe anarchiste Solidaire, France
Collectif des Amazighs in France
Fabienne LEFEBVRE, Member of the PCF Executive Council of Val de Marne and elected representative in Vitry, France
Chrysis CAPORAL, elected member of EELV in Champigny Sur Marne, France
Claire LACIRE, Mouvement de la Paix Guichen, France
Nicoletta PIROTTA, Feminist activist FAE, Italy
Dominique BENOIT-FROT, Feminist librarian, France
Anita GUIRIATO, Cultural Deputy of Municipality of Carnate, Italy
Maria SIRVENT, Parliamentarian of Catalonia, Party Candidacy for Popular Unity (CUP), Catalonia
Natàlia SÁNCHEZ, Parliamentarian of Catalonia, CUP, Catalonia
Maria ROVIRA, Deputy Mayor of Barcelona, CUP, Catalonia
Eulalia RENGUANT, Deputy Mayor of Barcelona, CUP, Catalonia
Dones ERC (Party of the Republican Left of Catalonia – Women), Catalonia
Inger V. JOHANSEN, Red-Green Alliance Women and European Affairs Department, Member of the European Left Political Secretariat, Denmark
Kaija KIESSLING, member of the Politburo and the Central Committee of the Communist Party, Finland
Juha PEKKA, President of the Communist Party of Finland, Member of the Left European Group
Petra PACKALÉN, Secretary General of the Communist Party of Finland
Sippo KÄHMI, Secretary of Democratic Civic Association, Finland
Oihana ETXBARRIETA, Parliamentarian of EHBildu, Gasteiz, and President of the Friendship and Cooperation Group with the Kurdish People, Euskal Herria (Basque Country)
Marian BEITIALARRANGOITIA, Parliamentarian of EHBildu, Congress of Madrid, Euskal Herria (Basque Country)
Bakartxo RUIZ, Parliamentarian of EHBIldu, Iruñea, Euskal Herria (Basque Country)
Eva ALfAMA, Councillor of municipality of Barcelona, Catalonia
Waltraud ERNST, Feminist Philosopher
Dr Habil Susanne LUMMERDING, researcher and coach on media studies, Vienna/Berlin
Dr Eliza STEINBOCK, University of Leiden, Coordinator on Gender and Sexuality in Culture and Society
Association Women Advise Women, Vienna Austria
Nicoletta GINI, History Researcher FAE, Italy
International Association of Philosophers IAPH, Italy
Gender Collective of the Municipality of Rome, Italy
Syndicat National de L’Enseignement Supérieur (National Union of Universitarian Studies), France
Gérard CHASTENET, Railwayman, France
Moroccan Women’s Association of Catalonia
Pierre KHALFA, Co-President of the Copernic Foundation, France
Catherine BOURGEOIS, anthropologist, Brussels, Belgium
Esmeray YOGUNY, Turkish researcher CNAM, author and conjugal counsellor
Yves BONNARDEL, egalitarianist activist, publisher and essayist, France
Philippe GILBERT, journalist, France
Sarah TOCHKA, Support Association for Sexual and Gender Minority Migrants, France
Henri FIORI, ex-First Deputy of Chilly-Mazarin, France
Michèle RIOT-SARCEY, historian, France
Caroline FLEPP, publication director of the magazine 50/50, France
Anne GAUDRON, Human Rights League, France
Association of North African Workers ATM, France
Socialist Femmes Prévoyantes Movement (FPS), France
Flavia PANIZ, Sociologist at the University of Campinas, Brazil
Daniel FOURRIER, writer, France
Sonja JOSSIFORT, M/F movement in arts and culture, France
Nicole VAN ENIS, for the coordination of the World March of Women Liege (CLMMF), Belgium
Laureen GENTHON, Departmental Councillor of Hauts-de-Seine, France
Aurore VAN OPSTAL, member of the Council of Francophone Women of Belgium (CFFB), feminist director, Belgium
Colette GRANGE, member of the Human Rights League, France
World Conference on Women
Patrick TOTIL, Sud Culture Union, France
Francine BAVAY, Social Ecology, France
Mélusine VERTELUNE, member of the Libertarian antisexiste collective, author, France
Komite Internazionalistak Emakume Internazionalistak (Women of the Internationalist Committee), Euskal Herria (Basque Country)
World March of Women, Switzerland
Sadet Karabulut deputy of Nederland Socialist Party
ROSA Campaign – Resistance against oppression, sexism and austerity, Belgium
Ana DUMRAUF, Cátedra Libre Virginia Bolten, National University of La Plata, Argentina
Marcha Mundial de Mujeres (World March of Women), Brasil
Alcira ARGUMEDO, Argentina
Adriana Amparo GUZMAN ARROYO, Anti-Patriarchal Communitarian Feminism, Bolivia
Gender CGT union, Catalonia
Association Ca la Dona (Women’s House), Barcelona, Catalonia
Emakumeok Gerraren Aurka-Mujeres contra la guerra (Women Against the War), Basque Country
Alicia MURILLO RUIZ, actress, teacher and feminist activist
Maria Ginard Rodríguez, political scientist and master’s degree in gender studies, Technical Equality Assistant of the Barcelona City Council, Catalonia
Tánia Verge Mestrem, Professor, Department of Political and Social Sciences, Director of the Equality Unit, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Catalonia
Sílvia TOMÀS, feminist singer, Catalonia
Elsa PLAZA, feminist writer, Catalonia
Dones Corsenques, unmixed feminist assembly of Les Corts, Barcelona, Catalonia
Dones x Dones, feminist and anti-militarist women’s group, Catalonia
CSO La Vaina, feminist space, Barcelona, Catalonia
Vocalía dones, Women association of Neighbours of the Eixample, Barcelona, Catalonia
La Loba, feminist collective of the Eixample and Sant Antoni districts, Barcelona, Catalonia
Salut Entre Totes, collective for self-management of health, Barcelona, Catalonia
“Dinamitzadora de la xarxa feminista” Association, Barcelona, Catalonia
Zambra, Málaga, Spain
Stop Repression, Málaga, Spain
Iniciativas sociales desde la lucha social y comunitaria (Social initiatives from the social and communitarian struggle), Málaga, Spain
Feminist campaign “Fighting together for self-determination and democratic autonomy”
Julie GOIKOTXEA, Writer, Professor on Political Theories at the University of the Basque Country
Amai Herrero OIARZABAL, technique on gender equality, Basque Country
Carmen GOMEZ MARTIN, Researcher and Professor at the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences, Ecuador
Kullik MARC, Lawyer at the Paris and Brussels Bar
Vincent ADAMI, Municipal Councillor PCF of Audincourt, France
NON UNA DI MENO Movement, Rome, Italy
Laura CIME, laureate in philosophy, Italy
STEILAS Union, Basque Country
ONAKITO, Feminist Assembly, Basque Country
Silvia BERTOLONI, association Cantieri Meticci, Bologna, Italy
Anna VERDELOCCO, Social Cooperative against Trafficking, Violence and Discrimination, Italy
Gerardine MEANY, Professor of Cultural Theory, Dublin, Ireland
Dr Katarina KYRÖLA, Gender Studies, ABO Academy, University of Finland
Simonetta CRISCI, Lawyer, Italy
Rossana MUNGIELLO, Councillor on Parity in the Province of Belluno, Italy
Tersa LA TORETTA, Delegate USB Trade Union, Emilia Romagna, Italy
Pierra STEFANI, Editorial Board of “Occhio Vigile”, Italy
LAB Union, Basque Country
Unione Donne in Italia (UDI)
Casa Internazionale delle Donne (International House of Women), Rome, Italy
IFE Italia/FAE
Cagne Sciolte, Rome, Italy
Non una di meno, Roma, Italy
Non una di meno, Bologna, Italy
Mujeres Libres
Movimento Femminista Proletario Rivoluzionario (Revolutionary Proletarian Feminist Movement), Palermo, Taranto, Milano, L’ Aquila, Bologna, Bergamo, Italy
Armonie Association, Italy
Amazora, Italy
Feminist and Lesbian Assembly, Italy
Alessandra MONTANINI, Centro per non subire violenza (da udi), Genoa, Italy
Amelia MASSETTI, Founder and President of Artemisia, Italy
Anna ZOLI, feminist historian, Group’ 98 Poesia – Libreria delle Donne (Women’s Bookstore), Bologna, Italy
Annamaria BRUNI, actress and journalist, president of the social promotion association Spazio Libero, Italy
Annamaria SPOGNARDI, Coordination of Women ANPI, Province of Roma, Italy
Calderazzi MARGHERITA, MFPR, Italy
Carla CENTIONI, President of Ponte Donna Association, Italy
Carmen VICINANZA, Officine Vonnegut, Italy
Cristina DELFINO, Association Un mondo di mondi (A World of Worlds), Reggio Calabria, Italy
Sandra D’ INCAU, Casa dei Beni Comuni (House of Commons Goods), Belluno, Italie

Elisa MARINI, teacher, Italie
Eleonora FORENZA, MEP, Italie
Francesca ROMANA SALIMEI, Le Funambole Association, Italie
Layla BUZZI, Donne Rete Kurdistan (Women Kurdistan Network), Italy
Loretta BONDI, Journalist, Italie
Marianita DE AMBROGIO, Donne in Nero (Women in Black), Padova, Italie
Michela CICCULLI, Lucha y Siesta Association , Italie
Nicoletta FRABBONI, Confederazione dei Comitati di Base (Cobas), Italie
Nora IMBIMBO, manager of the USB Union, Emilia Romagna, Italie
Nicoletta SALVI, Menestrella Femminista, Italie
Patrizia GAMBARDELLa, Association against violence “Il cuore di Medea”, Reggio Calabria, Italie
Pilar CASTEL, Actress, Italie
Roberta MANZAROLI, Operator of the Women’s House, Italie
Rosalba MAROTTA, CSOA Angelina Cartella, Reggio Calabria, Italie
Rosanna MUNGIELL, Councillor for Parity of the Province of Belluno, Italy
Teresa QUARTA, teacher, Bologna, Italy
Valentina REOLON, Suffragette, Casa Dei Beni Comuni (Huse of Commons Goods), Belluno, Italy
Mateus HENRIQUE, ATAQUE Student Movement, Federal University Fronteira Sul, Brazil
Claudia LAUDANO, Professor, National University of La Plata, Argentina
Roma VAQUERO DIAZ, National University of Arts, Argentina
Pensaré cartoneras, Mexico
Maryam FATHI, Vice-President of Newroz Euskal Kurdu Elkartea, Euskal Herria (Basque Country)
Arantza UZKIANO, President of Newroz Euskal Kurdu Elkartea, Euskal Herria (Basque Country)
Julia IGLESIAS LOPEZ, Secretary of Newroz Euskal Kurdu Elkartea, Euskal Herria (Basque Country)
Degenerades Feminist Collective, Barcelona, Catalonia
Marta PANCORBO PISONERO, teacher, Catalonia
Nieves ALVAREZ MARTÍN, feminist activist, Catalonia
Sonia Cristina DÁVILA ALEJO, Catalonia
Lorena TORRALBA SAEZ, Catalonia
Elvira ROYO RODA, Catalonia
Aroa RUIZ SÁNCHEZ, student, Catalonia
Maria del Mar DE ENRIQUE AGUILO, student and feminist activist, Majorca
Pema RAMON, Catalonia
Teresa RUBÍ MORAL, Catalonia
Daniella AMBROSINO, Italy
Guido VIALE, Italy
Cristina OBBER, Italy
Franca BALSAMO, Italy
Virginia VARGAS V., Peru
Nalu FARIA, Brazil
Graciela GARCÍA, Mexico
Roxana LONGO, Argentina
Mayra Soledad VALCARCEL, Argentina
Ernesto AMARU
Patricia Karina VERGARA SÁNCHEZ, Mexico
Lylia PALACIOS, Monterrey, Mexico
Verónica MUNIER JOLAIN, Mexico
Mireia ROS, filmmaker, Catalonia
Francesca LLOPIS PLANAS, visual artist, Catalonia
Alba SOTTORRA CLUA, film director and producer, Catalonia
Aintzane LEKUE MARCOS, social educator, feminist and internationalist, Basque Country
Marisa HERRERO, Doctor, Feminist and Internationalist, Basque Country
Mercedes GOMEZ LLANOS, feminist and internationalist, Basque Country
Patricia LEZAMA, psychologist, feminist and internationalist, Basque Country
Ines JAUREGI, Journalist, feminist and internationalist, Basque Country
Natalia ESCOLAR, engineer, feminist and internationalist, Basque Country
Gentzane SANTAMARIA, informatician, feminist and internationalist, Basque Country
Alba GARCIA PORTELA, teacher, feminist and internationalist, Basque Country
Vania SAN MARTIN, journalist, feminist and internationalist, Basque Country
Ane LABIANO, social educator, feminist and internationalist, Basque Country


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